Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Oh My God!!!!
OK! I just had the weirdest conversation on yahoo messenger. I have to share this.
Do you remember a few posts below when I was telling you all about this cool new radio station I found. Well anyway, one of the DJ's added me to his messenger which was totally fine. Over the last week we were talking, and well today he said that he loves me....... OMG!!! How the fuck am I suppose to respnd to this. But wait, it gets more interesting. During the very short time that I have been talking to this guy, this is what I have learned:
He is 20 years old (same as me)
He is married
His wife is bisexual, and
His wife is 6 months pregnant.
Now, if any of the above did not exist I would still have nothing to do with this guy. The truth is, I'm not really looking for a relationship at this pont. I got too much going for me at the moment, and I am content.
I just find this very strange. How could someone love me when they don't even know me.
OMG....... I am talking to him right now, and this is what he said:
I have a code. Six is for when I am alone, and 5 is when people like my wife are around.
I strongly think it's time to stop talking to this guy. But he is a renegade DJ and he will know I am not talking to him..... grrrr...... This is awiful.
I hate how I do nothing but talk to people and they sort of kinda fall in love.... what the hell do I do? Do I have some force around me that says "Hey love me".
Anyway, I am just going to walk away from the computer now. I think it's best right now.
Peace out
Almost done!!!!!
yay!.... I am on page 5 of 7, and I am gonna stop right now.
Paper is gonig well.... :) better than I thought.
Gonna watch movie soon.......
Peace out
I'm a little tired!!!
Hey all!!!
I am a little distracted at the moment, so here I am.
I am at the library right now......augh.
This morning I was up at 8... well 7 if you call awake in bed for an hour before gettting up.
I had my French oral exam today.
This is why I was up kinda early.
...and because I had to meet my French group at 10:30 to practice some more.
So I went to class and did my oral test...
It went well...... :)
Now I have a big paper due on Monday that's worth 40%,
and it has to be 8 - 10 pages.......
Feeling a little stressed right now..... :(
So here I am at the library.
Working on getting research...
Still not quite sure if I have enough,
....and not quite sure how this paper is gonna go.....
I am sooooo tired.
I think I am going home soon to take a nap.
...or something.
Anyway, I'm off......
Peace out
Just remember one thing.........
....and keep those speakers pumpin' -- DJ. Doopz.
Man I love this new radio station that I found. Well actually a friend gave me the link, but that's ok. Thanks AJ!! For those of you who are slightly interested in this radio station that I am talking about you can go
here . Oh it rocks baby!!!
But anyway, what's new with me? Not really too much these days. I'm just a little busy with school, but that's ok because I'll get a brake soon. I spend not a whole lot of time on MSN anymore, but I'm sure that'll change after school is done and over with for this year. Although, I am thinking about taking a few courses over the summer. Who knows!!!
I am your personal Jesus!!! LOL.... sorry it's a song I am listening to right now. I've done very little school work today, and now I am feeling guilty. Boooo Hooo! I am sure I'll get over it by doing some kick ass power work at the library in my little square box. All in all, I know things will get gone. You know why? Because I am just that damn good!!! OK......I'm not, but the work will be done. lol
Well tomorrow is Friday which means it's the start of the weekend, and I already have things planned. Tomorrow, I am going to spend some extra time at school in my square box after class to do some work. Saturday I am doing to get up at a reasonable hour and do some more work, but after dinner I am goen out drinken with a friend. Fun! (There will be no BAD hangover this time). Sunday I am going to take a good part of the day to recover from Saturday, BUT it will be a minor I swear!!!
Anywho, I think I am going to get going. I think it's time to do my sit-ups (trying to loose belly for belly button ring), and then I am off to bed. Night all!!!!
Song of the awwww moment: Disturbed - down with the sickness on Renegade. lol
Peace Out
The last few days all I have been hearing or reading is the whole issue on suicide, and it's bringing back memories of a good friend who took her life four years ago. Last week, I finished an assignment on suicide (which was fine), then I watched a movie in my sociology class about suicide, and now I just herd a song on the radio about suicide. How depressing can it get? I miss her a lot and I just wanted to let her know in Heaven that I was thinking about her. I sure hope she is doing ok up there.
Song: Blaine Larson - How do you get that lonely
It was just another story written on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score
It said he was only eighteen, a boy about my age
They found him face down on his bedroom floor
There'll be services on Friday at the Lawrence Funeral Home
Then out on Mooresville highway, they'll lay him 'neath a stone...
How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know
Did his girlfriend break up with him, did he buy or steal that gun?
Did he lose a fight with drugs or alcohol?
Did his Mom and Daddy forget to say I love you son?
Did no one see the writing on the wall?
I'm not blamin' anybody, we all do the best we can
I know hindsight's 20/20, but I still don't understand...
How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know
It was just another story printed on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score...
~Lots of love, and miss ya girl~
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!
Ah yes! It's my mom's birthday tomrrow. She will be *beeeeeeep* years old.
How lovely is that!!! She is slowly getting older, which means so am I. Duh!! On the other hand, it is rather nice the we are slightly close in age. YAY!!!
Bought my mom a webcam for her birthday. Those things are rather expensive (Hey, remember I am a starving student here!!!). But I figure why not waste a few bucks on my mom once in a while since she is like a best friend to me (yes mom you read that right).

LOL.... Plus, y'know I wouldn't mind getten' some free stuff from time to time either (hint hint). But the best part of this gift is that I can use it too, I think it's a great gift (Mommy always taught me that sharing is caring).

Anyway, the real purpose of this post was to wish my mom a Happy Birthday (if the title wasn't any indication). So here goes:
Mom. I hope you have an outstanding and wonderful birthday because you deserve every minute of it. Enjoy this day to the fullest because your only *beeeeeeep* once. Loves ya lots. Enjoy your gift.
Love Lori
