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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Vacation to Newfoundland
Sometimes I think writing in this thing takes way too much effort, but it would be such a shame to stop entertaining all my reader about things going on in my life. It’s been so long since I have posted, but this is because I have been gone for a while. I was in Newfoundland for over a month.

After getting back in Kitchener I came to the realization that I have very much so grown custom to city life. There are just so many things I absolutely love about it, but most importantly it expands my independence. You see the thing is I love to be doing things. Going here and there and doing this and that. I have come to the realization that living in Newfoundland sets me back too much. Meaning I loose way too much of my independence. Since I do not have a license getting around in Newfoundland is very difficult. Small communities cannot afford public transportation, but that is okay. It’s the getting from town to town that is annoying. No matter how much you want to do something on you own there is just no way. There is always that dependence on someone else to get you from place to place. Don’t get me wrong I love Newfoundland and everything else there, but there are just a few minor details that make it hard to enjoy to its fullest potential.

During my trip home here are a few things I did:

1) I guess you all know that St. John’s is the capital of Newfoundland, and I guess you all know that I lived in Newfoundland pretty much all my life. The funny part this this… one month ago was the first time I was ever in St. John’s. Wheat an amazing place! Instead of flying to my regular route of Toronto to Halifax I decided to fly in St. John’s to visit my best friend Lori. I had a really good time and I got to see a lot of cool things. Thanks for a great time Lori….Loves!!! J

2) After leaving St. John’s on the bus I stopped in Grand Falls to visit an old friend I had met a few years ago. We didn’t really do too much, but it was nice to chat and catch up on things. Thanks Amanda…You Rock!! J

3) After Grand Falls it was time for Westport. God was it ever boring there. Westport is and always will be my home, but things are not the same anymore. My friends and I have all moved on in life and we are all doing our own things. The scenery is still beautiful and there is nothing in the world that can replace it, but after a month that gets boring to too at all well. Since you’ve already seen it eighteen years of your life already. My stay in Westport was not completely boring, but I do wish there was more to do. Some thing I did were:

Fishing (Love fishing)
Drank a few times with friends
Spent time with old friends
When Four Wheeling (got a nasty sun burn)
Fires on the beach
Volunteered at the high school

For many of you this may not seem much, but you make do with you have in a small community. When I got bored with Westport I just left for a weekend and hung out with some friends that have moved away. Some visits with friends went okay but other visits were miserable. Let’s just say someone has lost a best friend and its pointless from them to ever come to me for help ever again. Some people are just cold heatless bitches and they seriously need to grow up.

Other things happened when I was on my way home but I’d rather not talk about it. All I will say is this: I absolutely hate liars.

Anyway….. I think I am going to *to be continue* this blog because it is getting late and I have to get up early for work. Yes I have a job….. I’ll tell you about it later.

~Lots of Love~
