Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Hey guys!
It is 1:40am, and I finished my *take home test" 20 minutes or so ago. I am so glad to be done this summer, although, I did amazingly well. Will keep you posted of my marks when I get them back.
So.... I am sitting here at my mom's computer playing with the webcam I bough her for her last birthday, and it works awesome. I want one now!!! lol
Anyway, I took of picture of me. This is after a full day on this damn computer working on my damn take home test. 18 pages later I have completed it, and I am done for the summer. :)

Good Night All!!!
~Lots of Love~
I haven’t really written about what I have been doing for the past weeks, so I though it would be nice to fell you all in - just a little.
These past weeks I have been so busy, and I know I have not been online much lately. I have been just really busy doing there here and there. What can I say? I guess I am just trying to have a life of some sort.
For the past few weekends I haven’t been here in Waterloo. I’ve been off doing things here and there - fun things. I went to the big city of T dot O a few times, and spent it with some old friends. The first weekend I did some shopping (just looking around because I was poor at the time), went to a movie, did some drinking, and went to a bar. The second time I went (on Canada Day) it was with the same friends as before. We all went downtown to a The Country Festival (yes I like country music). That was okay, but we all complained we were too far away from the stage. Stupid men take forever to get After that got over we were all tired, so we decided just to come back to Kitchener that same day.
July 2nd I went to the Newfie Reunion in Cambridge. It was alright. I got really drunk (no surprise there). The funniest part was when it was all over, and of course I am going to tell you. As we were walking up the street trying to get a cab there was a near by McDonald’s (we were all starved by then), but it was closed. On the other hand, the drive through was open. So idiots like we are tried to walk through the drive through, They refused to give us food, and told us if we wanted food we needed to drive. WE”RE ALL DRUNK!!!! LMAO As we were there a car came driving through, so we decided to try and convince him to get us food. I think he thought we were nuts! Oh yeah... we didn’t get any food there. We went to Tim Horton’s instead.
Last weekend I didn’t do much. I went to my Aunts to see my cousin who is up from Newfoundland. I had a beer or two there, but nothing much. I swam because they have a pool. Went to a friends place for a while, but was home early. Came back to Waterloo early Sunday because I had to work on a paper.
During the weekdays I did a lot of school stuff. I wrote a huge paper that was 14 pages long and single spaced. The paper was a family assessment of the Grape Family (You know from the movies What’s Eating Gilbert Grape). Well I got my mark back yesterday, and I got 90% - A+. I was soooooo happy. I worked really hard on it.
The past week I ave been working on another paper, and this one is 12 pages long but double spaced (six pages). I am on page then, and ready to do more tomorrow. Actually maybe Friday (for a bit).
Tomorrow I am volunteering with the CNIB. It’s a summer camp for kids. I am so excited... :) After volunteering I am helping a friend find a place that repairs glasses because apparently he broke them yesterday. Then after that I am going out with a friend (around 10) to *summer bounce* at the bomber (bar on campus).
Friday. I am volunteering again. Going to Kitchener. Then to a party on Saturday, and finishing my paper on Sunday because it’s due on Monday.
So that’s all I got to say not folks. I am a tad bit tired of writing, and I want to watch some tv before bd.
Up at 7:00 am tomorrow....augh
~lots of Love~
Life is great
Life is wonderful
Life is fantastic
I love it!!!
Can’t you tell I am in such a great mood at the moment.
It’s spectacular.
It’s extraordinary
It’s astonishing
Yay for me!!!!
Life is shaping up for the better for once.
Can you believe it?
I’ll tell you guys all about it another time
~Lots of LOVE~
I often hear many things in my life, but there are some I fail to understand. My question is: Why do people always tell me they would rather be single when they are not? I honestly know it’s not true, but they tend to think it is so. I sometimes see people fighting and arguing, and I always say to myself, “I am glad that is not me”. People don’t realize how lucky they are sometimes, and it pisses me off. If you are in a relationship, why fuck it up with all this fighting and arguing? Then, once separation occurs, they have realized they have fucked it up. “Too late my friend, and it’s your own fault”. My observation is clear, and it has brought me to a conclusion. Someday when I find someone to love there is no way I am going to fuck it up. Then I will say to those people who are now single, “this is how it’s done - no arguing and fighting”.
Maybe being single is worth the wait because now I have some clear idea of what needs to be done when I happen to find someone. A true relationship is based on trust, honesty, loyalty, love, the list continues. I am a firm believer of personality before appearance, and I hope this will get me somewhere someday.
~Lots of Love~