Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.

Sitting here in my chair feeling very annoyed tonight. I am not sure why, but I am sure it has something to do with my lack of sleep these days. This annoys me because I have no idea why my body refuses to sleep. I order you to sleep body!!!!! NOW!!!!! I am sure after this weekend my annoyance will subside, and I will be happy again. I hope.
Did I mention that November is creeping up on me really fast, and my belly refuses to get any smaller. The guy who does the piercings is commin’ back to the SLC soon, and I am not gonna miss it. Oh belly button you are one step closer in becoming pierced!!! Damn fat........ grrrrr
Got 75% on my English paper, which I am very happy with. Overall, a good average mark, but nuthin’ compared to my midterm mark for Social Work that I got back last week........95% baby......I need more of those
I have come to realize that I am getting really bored with my music on my computer, and I need a change, a new taste of music, a new once again slightly annoyed with that.....
Nonetheless I should get going. I SHOULD do some homework, but I won’t. Not in the mood. Hence, slightly annoyed with that too. What a fucken’ annoying day!!
Peace Out
Song of the day: Def Leppard - Love Bites