
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
So Cold!!!!
Hey folks! It's a Sunday afternoon, and it's so cold in this house. Went to bed last night, and my rooomate opened the window. WTF!! It was cold enough in this damn house before the windlow were open. Now i am sitting here in my room with the door closed, covered up in a blanket, and hoping my room will warm up with my computer on.

On a much happier note: I downloaded the movied Dirty Dancing (Havana Nights), and it finally finished last night. :D Took me over a week to Although it's good quality, so it was worth it. *Think I will watch it later.*

Think I am going now because my fingers are soooo cold! Be back in the next few days , Peace out!!!

Song of the day: Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter

~Lort of Love~

