
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Social WorrrrK.....
Mood: Crazy

Soooooooooooooo much to study with soooo little time..... ahhhhhh!!!!

What's a girl to do? I know....... take it one day at a time........ Booo Yaaa!!!!

Oh Yeah!!!..........By the way - - - "What" lives at 26 Ever, and has a dog named "Why". His neighbour "where" has a cat named "who".......ha ha ha *It's on the fridge*

For post below: All is Forgiven!!!

Anyways, I'm off to study again..... *sigh*

Song of the night: Mario - Let me love you

~Lots of Love~

