
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Why is it that life can easily get stuck in neutral without ever knowing until you find yourself stuck. Why! During the past few months I have noticed my life going no where. Just like I am stuck in a car in neutral - can't got forward and I can't go back. I have decided that I need a much more exciting life or else I am going to go bonkers......

Over the past few days I have been very mad. I really don't get mad that often, but rub me the wrong way and all hell may brake loose. Today, I sat down at my desk thinking thinks overs and I have come to the conclusion that maybe I am better off without friends who consider themselves *conceded* or *perfect* because really that's not for me. I'd really prefer not to associate with ignorant people, so guess what..... I no longer know you.......

Now that all your bull shit is gone and over with maybe I can start moving forward pushing to get out of neutral. It would sure be nice to get out of this spat that I am in. So here is to you and all your bull shit, and thanks for getting me out of this rut I was in with you.........*Moving On*

Peace Out
