
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Wisdom Teeth....
Mood: Perturbed

The pain in my mouth is still quite bothersome, and its getting on my nerves now. It’s been four days, and the pain just won’t even brake- not even a little. Yes, I may be a little impatient, but it’s because I hate pain. To make matters worse, I have always had sensitive ears. Even when I caught a little head cold the pain in my ears was enough. Now that I have four holes in my mouth, and pain is really close to my ears, (common....I am sure you can guess where this going) I have a holey aching mouth, pain in my ears, which is giving me a headache. hurts!!!

Motivation..... if anyone got extra please send me some. Since I got my teeth removed I have been very tired, grumpy, unhappy, bitchy, (which ever one you prefer), and I have no motivation what so ever to do work. I had a french test today and I think I did well, but I had to force myself to study. Tomorrow, I have my Social Work midterm at 4:00, and because I did very little studying today I now have to get up a little early and attempt to study for that.... Good Luck To Me!!!

Nonetheless, I guess I should get going, and get my butt into bed if I wanted to get up at a decent hour to study tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!

Song of the day: k-os - The man I used to be

~Lots of Love~
