
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Back in Kitchener!
I am finally back from Newfoundland. I had an okay time, but the more I go back there the more boring it gets. I did a few things, but I mostly took care of my Grandfather. I cooked, cleaned, and did laundry. I didn’t mind. I was happy to do things for him. I went to Springdale and La Sea for a ride. It was something to do.

I drank a few times, but not too much in Westport. Other than my Birthday I drank two or three times before there. When I went to Corner Brook I had a blast. I would have to say it was the best part of my trip. I went in on Friday and came back on a Sunday. Friday night I drank, and went to the bar. We were all pretty drunk, but it was so much fun. Saturday I was soooooo hung over. Even though I was so hung over Sam and I walked to the Y cuz AJ told us to come down the night before. After we left there we went to the plaza and had McDonalds, but I was too sick to eat. I wanted to do some shopping, but I was getting more sick as I kept walking. We then decided to go back to her place and sleep. God it was nice to get a nap. I forgot to mention Sam and I drank over a dozen of beer between us Friday night. Lol That night (Saturday) it was hard for us to drink because we were sooo hung over still. While waiting for AJ and D*A*rrel to come to Sam’s I was still a little sick, but I drank a little. Once they got there I was ready to drink, but I didn’t really drink that much that night. Unlike Sam. Once we got to the bar Sam kept drinken *stun fucker*. We drank a half dozen between us before we left for the bar, so it wasn’t so much. I had one or two more at he bar. I’m happy to say I wasn’t hung over the next day…. All in all, it was an awesome time. I drank so much in so little time. OMG…. Pineapple on subway subs are awesome. Good dam mainland…can’t get pineapple on subs up here. Anyway, when I go back to NL for Christmas I hope I can go back there again (y’all keep your fingers crossed :P). Thanks Sam, AJ, and Darrel for the wicked time in Corner brook. You guys are awesome and I had a wicked time.

Unfortunately, I never had the chance to visit other friends across the Island that I wanted, but it’s had when you don’t have a car to get there. Hopefully, I can come see you guys during Christmas. Sorry!

There were some interesting times in Westport that I would rather not get into. If I feel like telling you on MSN then I will. Lets just say it involves one specific idiot in particular.

Amanda, Lori, Sam and Lovetta!! I really enjoyed seeing you guys, and I miss you all so much. We are all doing well in life, and it’s good to see that all of our friendships are still as strong as ever. We rock! Love you guys.

That’s all I have to say for now, but I am sure I will have more to write about later.

Song of the day: Keith Urban - Raining on Sunday J

~Lots of Love~
