Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
I guess it hasn’t been that long since I posted, but it does feel like it’s been a while. Not much has been happening in my life these days. I suppose you can say it’s the some ol’ same ol’ kinda thing.
School has been stared for a while, and i have did a few assignments and a midterm. Marks were okay, but I am aiming to do better. You know me though..... I always want to do better no matter what.
Over the past few weeks I have been giving my future quite some thought, and it does scare me a little. I’ll be finished at Loo soon. Well, four more terms and counting. After Loo, it’s off to Brantford (Mohawk College) where I start and finish the “Rehabilitation” course (Ask if you want to know more). I’ll be there for a year and a half, so that’s not so bat. But here is where the whole thinking about my future part came in. I think I want to do Teacher’s College after Mohawk. There, I want to take Special Education. Reason? After I have completed Mohawk and Teacher’s College I will be extremely qualified to work in the field of “Disabilities”. Money won’t be too bad at all, and I should be in high demand since I am well educated. Make sense?
Love life is on the shits right now, but I guess that’s just how it is. All I can do it take it one day at a time I suppose. Plus, exactly how can I settle down when I have no idea where I will be for Teacher’s College, or after I finish Teacher’s College for that matter.
Yesterday, I signed up to do some volunteer work with the CNIB. I am going to visit a client tomorrow to help her put braille tags on her CD’S. Its kind of cool though. I get to have some experience of helping her live day to day much easier. My Rehabilitation course will be teaching me some of this, so getting experience right now is a great opportunity.
But anyway, it’s getting late and I am up at 8:00 tomorrow. I need to get some sleep, so I’ll keep you all posted on how my first meet with Janet goes.
~Lots of Love~