
My Other Blogs


Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Winding Down!
Hey all! I guess it’s that time of year again. You know the word... come on... you can say it.... School *feels like pouting.* Most of us are probably excited about starting up again, but mainly for the social aspect. Agree, or do you actually really like school? Come on... you can admit it!

Summer was good I suppose. I went to Newfoundland for a while and that was okay. Some stuff happened, but I am kind of glad it did. Less worries and drama to deal with. Just how I like it!

After I returned from Newfoundland I got a job, so I worked for 10 weeks. It wasn’t too bad. It was definitely a learning experience, and I’d probably do it again. In case you are wondering, I worked at a camp for blind and visually impaired kids. There were definitely some up and downs, but in the end it was a complete success.

I moved back in the ‘loo (no not that a few weeks ago. It’s good to back here. I missed it quite a bit! Since I’ve moved back I have been going out quite a bit, but that’s a good thing. I think I am still trying to settled down from work, but it’s not working well. I feel like I should be out doing stuff especially since there is so little time left to the summer.

Within the past couple of days this is what I’ve done:

1. Finished work on August 25th
2. Road trip to Ottawa on the 26th - 28th with Becky
3. Drink and Movie with Christine. Little Miss Sunshine.. Two words.... fucking hilarious!!! (August 31st)
4. Brother visited me on Sept 1st in the ‘loo. We went to see Talladega Nights: The ballad of Rocky Bobby. LOL..... so funny! Hakuna Matata Bitches!!!
5. Phils = So TRASHED Sept 2nd. All I got to say is awesome time Amy!!!! HA HA HA SO YOUNG!!! Hmmm Subway!
6. Movie: Step Up. Wicked movie. That guy was hot!!!!! (Sept 3rd)
7. Star Bucks: Drinks with Lance. He’s cool Amy *wink*. Also, the Spur and Tim’s in Uptown. Good times! (Sept 4th)
8. At Jared’s house with a friend to watch Season Premer of House and Rock Star: Super Nova. You Rock Lucas, but I think Toby is gonna win. Sorry Guys. It’s true!!! (today!!!)

Yes, this might look corny, but when I read this blog in a couple of years it will be cool to see what I did.

Ia m starting to feel super tired though. It’s like after 1:00 so I should be off to bed. Think I needed this early night tonight! Probably gonna hit Phil’s tomorrow night. I’ll have to wait and see.

Anyway, I’m out! I am sure I’ll post back here form time to time due to my procrastination. Good night!

~Lots of Love~
