Back to University!!! Year 2, 3 and 4.
Slightly Annoying!!!

Sitting here in my chair feeling very annoyed tonight. I am not sure why, but I am sure it has something to do with my lack of sleep these days. This annoys me because I have no idea why my body refuses to sleep. I order you to sleep body!!!!! NOW!!!!! I am sure after this weekend my annoyance will subside, and I will be happy again. I hope.
Did I mention that November is creeping up on me really fast, and my belly refuses to get any smaller. The guy who does the piercings is commin’ back to the SLC soon, and I am not gonna miss it. Oh belly button you are one step closer in becoming pierced!!! Damn fat........ grrrrr
Got 75% on my English paper, which I am very happy with. Overall, a good average mark, but nuthin’ compared to my midterm mark for Social Work that I got back last week........95% baby......I need more of those
I have come to realize that I am getting really bored with my music on my computer, and I need a change, a new taste of music, a new once again slightly annoyed with that.....
Nonetheless I should get going. I SHOULD do some homework, but I won’t. Not in the mood. Hence, slightly annoyed with that too. What a fucken’ annoying day!!
Peace Out
Song of the day: Def Leppard - Love Bites

Wasting Time!!!!
It's 11:34pm, and I think I am going to bed after this, but first I must post. Sunday! What an awful awful day. Why? I will tell you why. I spent most of the day with my books in my lap attempting to do work, but that didn't happen. I didn't mention that I was in front of a TV while attempting to do my work. Word of advice, "It doesn't work." After sitting in front of a TV, and getting half of what I wanted to do I then felt a headache commin' on. I often wonder why life just chooses not to agree with me these days.. All I want is to get my work done and over with. I will be one happy lady after school is over, and I can relax. Man....that'll be the day! Nonetheless, tomorrow is going to be such a progressive day. I'll be on campus from 10-10 tomorrow. so I SHOULD get a lot done. I hope!!!
Anyways, I am off to bed; it's time to rest my head....
~Lots of Love~
Song of the day: Eminem - Just Lose it
Gawd......I often wonder how much I anoyed my grandparents growing up, and I have come to the conclusion that it was quite a bit. Now, you are probably wondering where this strange topic is comming from, and here is my reason. Was at my aunts today, and dear god her 14 year old daughter is soooo anoying. I will speal no more of this. LOL
So it's Thanksgiving weekend eh......Hmmmmmm....... double dinner!! Wooo Hooo! How cool is that? My mom has to work this weekend, but my Aunt is having a Newfie Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Then, my mom is off on Monday, so I am haven a Ham dinner. Hmmmmm food!
Ha Ha yeah! Last night, at 12:20, I was sitting here at my mom's computer as I am doing now, and the power went. Oh god what confusion!! After realizing what happened I though *flashlight.* Then I realized that I have no idea where a stupid flashlight is in my mom's house. I though *Oh Crap.* I got up off my chair to start walking around the house ( in complete darkness) to find a lighter because I had NO IDEA where the flashlights were. When searching for the lighter the power came back on, so I observed that it was on the fridge. I then thought to myself *I better remember just in case it goes out again.* Not thinking smart I then go back on the computer, and ignore the fact that I should make my bed (fold out couch) just in case the powers goes again. About 10 minutes later while into some interesting conversations with some friends on MSN the dam power went again. I was like *fuck, I guess I should have made that bed.* LOL I then walk around the house to get the lighter that was on the top of the fridge, and I realized that I didn't know where the candells were. *crap* Thank god for the lighter this time...LOL I then head down stairs to make my bed and I was thinken to myself *I don't want to go to bed yet, I am not tired.* Word of advice *reading a book with candel light is not as easy as i though it would be.* lol I then got tired and went to bed, and was in la la land until 10:30 the next mornin....... :)
So now I am sitting here posting this message, and I have quite a few people messageing me on MSN and YAHOO. Dam it would you people old on! LOL I am not going anywhere. I guess I should get going though. This post is rather long, but its not my fault the power went out....LOL
Peace out!!
Song of the day: Korn - Word Up
~Lots of Love~
So Cold!!!!
Hey folks! It's a Sunday afternoon, and it's so cold in this house. Went to bed last night, and my rooomate opened the window. WTF!! It was cold enough in this damn house before the windlow were open. Now i am sitting here in my room with the door closed, covered up in a blanket, and hoping my room will warm up with my computer on.
On a much happier note: I downloaded the movied Dirty Dancing (Havana Nights), and it finally finished last night. :D Took me over a week to Although it's good quality, so it was worth it. *Think I will watch it later.*
Think I am going now because my fingers are soooo cold! Be back in the next few days , Peace out!!!
Song of the day: Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
~Lort of Love~